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Sir Murray Halberg and the Eagles


The Halberg Trust, founded in 1963, is best known for its annual Westpac Halberg Awards, which is acknowledged as the country's pre-eminent event to honour sporting excellence, culminating with the presentation of the supreme Halberg Award.

The guiding principle of the Halberg Trust however is to enhance the lives of disabled people by enabling them to participate in sport.

The support for more than 40 years of you, the Eagles Golfing Society of New Zealand, has allowed Halberg Trust to remove barriers and enable youngsters with a disability the opportunity to play sport or to get active alongside their young friends. Quite simply the Eagles Golfing Society is the backbone on which the Trust bearing my name has been built and we are ever grateful for the difference you have made to many many people in our communities.

The Eagles Golfing Society has partnered with the Halberg Disability Sport Foundation (formerly Halberg Trust) since 1969 when legendary American Olympic Champion, Jesse Owens was guest speaker at our annual 'Sportsman of the Year' Dinner. It took the vision of former Halberg Trustee and NZ Eagles President, the late Leo Hendrey, to arrange a charity golf day where the business leaders of the day paid to play in a tournament with Jesse Owens.

Eagles have contributed over $5 million to the Halberg Disability Sport Foundation through their regional Eagles Golf Days. These funds are allocated primarily to the Foundation’s Activity Fund grants towards equipment, lessons and camps thereby giving physically disabled young people more active more often and linked with sporting and recreational opportunities within their communities.

These grants target the additional costs incurred as a result of a disability, enabling the opportunity for the child to participate with their peers, enhancing their quality of life and providing them with the sense of enjoyment that we all experience every time we play sport.

With over 20 Eagles Golf days held each year, I envision this partnership will continue to grow in coming years and ultimately help satisfy Halberg Trust's goal that everyone can access sport and active leisure in every community of New Zealand.

Thank you Eagles!

Sir Murray - Halberg Founder